- Gallery wrapped archival canvas giclee reproductions
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- Gallery wrapped Strength of Woman Series canvases
Gallery wrapped Strength of Woman Series canvases
per item
Please select your painting choice(s) from the menu options below. You may add multiples to your cart from this page if desired.
When ordering your selection(s), the automatic price each at checkout is $690, which is for the gallery wrapped, ready-to-hang canvas(es) picked up in the studio. *
To purchase the printed version ready for gallery wrapping without stretching, enter the code UNSTRETCHED at checkout. $100 will be taken off the ready-to-hang price of each canvas added to the cart.
* Please call the studio at (302) 539-3405 if you need to have ready-to-hang selections shipped. There is a minimum $100 surcharge to properly pack, ship and insure this size gallery wrap within the Continental US via UPS.