Evening Stroll
Evening Stroll
by Ellen Rice
My favorite time of year for many years here along the Delaware shore has been the off season, even when it's bitterly cold. After the overcrowding of the summer with its influx of people who have not managed to leave their city pace home, it's so nice to walk along a deserted beach and be alone with your nature. Late afternoons and evenings are my favorite times, next to sunrise, which honestly I don't do that often because of my regular morning ritual of cooking my dogs' (and my) breakfasts and beginning the day with a large mug of coffee and writing to my friends. In Evening Stroll, the sun is just starting to lower. Soon, as its angle get to just the right point and its rays go through droplets of water in the air, turning them into prisms, colors will begin to emerge on the clouds and then reflect on the sea below. Pull up a chair or keep walking with eyes to the sky and the sea, watch and listen to the sights and sounds of the shore and relax. In the off season, it's all your's. Ellen |